

1. 何歳から入会出来ますか?


1. How old does my child have to be to join the class?

You can join from 3 years old.

2. 男の子は入会出来ますか?


2. Can boys join?

Yes of course boys can also join. We welcome boys at KK international.

3. 子供は英語かドイツ語しか話す事ができませんが大丈夫でしょうか?


3. My child can only speak English or German.

Kiyoka Kimura was active in Europe, so she can communicate in English and German.

4. バレエが好きで毎日通いたいですが、コンクールに出ることは考えていません。それでも入会できますか?


4. I like ballet and want to go there every day, but I don’t think I’ll enter competitions. Can I still join?

The most important thing is “I like ballet”. Participation in the competition is not mandatory for everyone.

5. 勉強もしっかりやりたいと思っていますが、学業と両立はできますか?


5. Can you balance your studies and do ballet at the same time?

In addition to the physical aspect, ballet requires thinking and objective analytical skills. There are many students who continue to study ballet while attending a high level schools.

6. レッスンは見学する事ができますか?




6. Can I observe the lessons?

Yes, please come and watch.

* Notes on observing the lessons

Please refrain from speaking privately with parents, speaking to students, and taking photos and videos. Please refrain from eating and drinking other than hydrating within the studio space.

7. 現在のスクールに所属したまま、KKインターナショナルでレッスンを受ける事ができますか?



7. Can I take lessons at KK whilst belonging to my current ballet school?

This is no problem for our studio. Please be sure to obtain understanding and permission from the teacher of your current school. Please contact us when you wish to join this studio.

* We are not responsible for any trouble.

8. 地方在住ですが、短期間だけレッスンを受ける事はできますか?


8. I live in a rural area, can I be taught for a short period of time?

There are no short-term classes in particular, but if you can enroll in classes as usual, local and overseas students can also attend. Please contact us for details.

9. 発表会はありますか?参加は「任意・強制」どちらですか?



9. Is there a school performance? Is participation “optional or compulsory”?

Yes, it’s held once every two years. Participation is not compulsory, but ideally it is important to practice towards a goal as a group and show the results on stage. I would like students to participate as much as possible.

* A separate fee will be charged for the presentation. Please check the schedule page.

10. 保護者の会はありますか?



10. Is there a parent's meeting?

Our ballet studio has no parents' association.